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幸心会のFacebookページが開設されました。 最新の状況を更新していきますので、ぜひフォローよろしくお願いします。

月刊秘伝2023年3月号 に掲載

月刊秘伝2023年3月号 ( 【大東流合氣柔術幸心会・野本禎 大東流伝承の謎を堀川伝「殿中技法」から紐解く原初の“合気之術?” 会津藩殿中「御式内」の謎!】 が掲載されました。 歴史的資料と実際の技を交えて大東流の殿中技について考察しています。

大東流幸心会インタビュー2/4 大東流に伝わる伝書、巻物です。是非ご覧ください。...


Welcome to Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Koshinkai

This group studies the Aikijujutsu transmitted from Horikawa Kodo Shihan, who learned the whole curriculum of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu from his master Takeda Sokaku including Jujutsu, Aikijujutsu and weapon techniques.

The Appeal of Aiki Techniques

Among the thirty thousand students of Takeda Sokaku, the “interim reviver” of Daito-ryu, Horikawa Kodo was the one who inherited the Oshikiuchi (court martial art of the Aizu samurais) Aiki techniques. These Aiki techniques, overcoming the crisis of near extinction, were passed down miraculously to the present day.

The world of Aiki is soft and mysterious. Aiki is like being gently covered with floss and has a fresh charm. I got attracted to this characteristic and since I started my training and research more than thirty years have passed.

During my Daito-ryu training, I have been receiving private instructions for twelve years from Shimbo Tatsuo Shihan who was Horikawa Kodo’s favorite disciple.

The training with him became a precious time of my life. The only phrase that can express this time is that in the Daitoryu jumble of wheat and chaff, I’m strongly attracted to the world of pure Aiki techiques handed down from Horikawa sensei and couldn’t abandon it.

Contact us for an introduction, tour, interviews, etc.